Imam al-Ghazali: Unrestrained Taqlid Opposes The Overall Purpose Of Shari‘ah

Imam al-Ghazali (رحمه الله) writes: As for giving a muqallid the option to choose between the imams (and follow any view he desires), some have opined this. (1) However, the preferred (viewpoint) according to us is that it is obligatory… Continue Reading

Imam Ghazali: To Deem Abu Bakr & ‘Umar (Allah Be Pleased With Them) To Be Disbelievers Is Disbelief

In a work he wrote in 487 AH (1094 CE), Imam al-Ghazali writes: If it is said: “If someone explicitly says Abu Bakr and ‘Umar (Allah be pleased with them) are disbelievers [wa ‘l-‘iyadhu billah], then this entails that it… Continue Reading